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myAvatar. myAvatar™ is an electronic health record (EHR) specifically designed for organizations that provide behavioral health and addictions treatment On the Website, search for the Avatar Clinicians Manual and other helpful documents. I finalized a document and forgot to route it to my supervisor. MyAvatar Clinical Manual. Page 2. Mirmont Behavioral Health. 2. Logging In to Avatar. 1) Open the Link to Avatar: You can do this a few different ways. myAvatar is a behavioral health EHR that offers a recovery-focused suite of solutions that leverage real-time analytics and clinical decision support to MyAvatar PM. Manual. Mirmont Behavioral Health 1) Open the Link to Avatar: You can do this a few different ways. a. Click on the Avatar icon located on Avatar 2011. 2. Make sure that the Server box says “Sonoma myAvatar Live”. Enter the System Code LIVE. (Make sure it is in all caps), your User Name and MyAvatar Video - make sure to open your browser up to the full screen. Introduction to Avatar for Clinical Users Reference Manual Avatar user documentation - WebConnect, CANS, Quick Guides, Billing, Tips, Guides, Outpatient (Non-Hospital) SMHS Documentation Manual (2017 Edition)My Avatar will provide a single-click view which will allow you to quickly open, view, and edit medications, treatment plans, progress notes and other

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